For professionals working in the professional services, the terms ‘consultant’ and advisor’ are often used interchangeably. What exactly do these terms mean? Consultancy.in zooms in on this field to get a closer look at the origins of the consulting industry, and also provides insights into the main features of consultancy and the ecosystem in which consultants operate.
Consulting is defined as the practise of providing a third party with expertise on a matter in exchange for a fee. The service may involve either advisory or implementation services. For the consultant, taking an independent and unbiased stance on an issue is central to his/her role. A consultant can, in principle, service any sector. Over the past few decades, however, the term has become synonymous with business advisory – which focuses mostly on business strategy, management, organisation, operational processes and technology.
The history of the consulting industry commences in the late nineteenth century with the founding of the world’s first modern consulting organisations, also known as business advisory firms. In the early days of the consulting industry (starting in the US and later crossing over to Europe and the rest of the world) the first consultancies focused their advisory services mainly on solving technical and financial concerns. Today, there are over 6000 consulting firms in India alone, set to grow up to 9000 firms worth approximately 27,000 crores by 2020. These firms offer all sorts of different services, spanning across countless fields, disciplines and sectors.