
Service Description

ASNT CP-189 was approved by the ASNT Board of Directors in January 1989 as a standard for the qualification and certification of NDT personnel. The intent was to produce a new document that provided strict requirements rather than simply guidelines. ASNT obtained ANSI accreditation to process this document through a consensus balloting process that would recognize ASNT CP-189 as a national standard. The first successful consensus document became the ANSI/ASNT CP-189-1996 followed by ANSI/ASNT CP-189-2001, ANSI/ASNT CP-189-2006, ANSI/ASNT CP-189-2011, ANSI/ASNT CP-189-2016 and ANSI/ASNT CP-189-2020 (current revision).

NDT Qualification and Certification

ANSI/ASNT CP-189 is similar to SNT-TC-1A in terms of training, experience, examinations, etc.; however, the standard provides minimum requirements that do not permit changes and several significant differences were introduced to strengthen the NDT personnel qualification and certification program:

Employer certification requires an ASNT NDT Level III certificate in the method

Qualified training must be provided by qualified instructors, typically, an ASNT NDT Level III

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